Okay so Sunday at church Ty and I had to give talks in front of all of our peers and friends... What an anxiety attack waiting to happen!
for those of you who do this often I am super thankful for you lessons
and happy I don't have to do these often.
My "talk" was more on personal experiences and how to overcome people and
obstetrical's in your way.
Prayer is a spiritual communion with God
I am the worst person to have picked to do this talk and you can ask my husband... but i'm getting more coragious and becoming less of a chicken when asked to do prayers. I've relized that the Lord knows I needed to do this talk. I did pray about giving this talk before giving an answer but I also had my talk done in about an hour and then answered the Bishopric. After being asked I felt nervious before my prayer then during and even after I was calm so I knew it was right. I know it wasn't like talks everyone else gives but doing it my way made me comfortable.