Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Okay so Sunday at church Ty and I had to give talks in front of all of our peers and friends... What an anxiety attack waiting to happen!

for those of you who do this often I am super thankful for you lessons
and happy I don't have to do these often.

My "talk" was more on personal experiences and how to overcome people and
obstetrical's in your way.
Prayer is a spiritual communion with God

I am the worst person to have picked to do this talk and you can ask my husband... but i'm getting more coragious and becoming less of a chicken when asked to do prayers. I've relized that the Lord knows I needed to do this talk. I did pray about giving this talk before giving an answer but I also had my talk done in about an hour and then answered the Bishopric. After being asked I felt nervious before my prayer then during and even after I was calm so I knew it was right. I know it wasn't like talks everyone else gives but doing it my way made me comfortable.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Okay so after 16 long weeks of waiting I was able to get a sneak peek of our baby 2 weeks early due to some pre-term labor issues
(I'm perfectly fine no worries just have to get a shot once a week)

IT'S A MUFFIN!!! (girl)

Emma Lee Cook due 1-2-12

My girl was a little camera shy at first crossing her legs but after an hour and a half of pictures she decided not to be so shy after all
(they needed lots of pics to determine labor)

3rd day at Disneyland


So Kloee refused to get a face painting! We asked her all day are you sure you don't want
to go back and get 1??? She really didn't want 1

Kelsee was so still while getting hers and 1st break down the tears made in run big time...
darn 14 $ painting should have been waterproof!

Kaylee wanted this crown (the purple was black on the picture) I convinced her to do a different color cause I'm not ready for goth

So Kelsee was so excited to see Minnie but... when she walked up to Minnie she stepped on her foot and Minnie grabbed it and hopped around like Kelsee hurt her and of course the 2
year old flipped out and started to cry so Mom had to be in the picture too!

Ty had the reddest nose EVER!!! He burned everyday on the trip (5 days)

Too bad we didn't get to see her on day 2 when Kaylee was dressed her her Pocahontas

I really want to say something about her body showing but ill put my foot in my mouth on this 1

GRRRRRR I know I can lift it
Hey it's stuck hmmm!
If I stick my tongue out I know I can concentrate enough to get it... I know it
There favorite kiddie ride

She absolutely LOVED the World Of Color show


DISNEYLAND DAY 2... Princess dresses = glitter MESS

I went on the kiddie ride and seriously almost told the
operator to stop cause it made me super sick
(6 grade fair swing ride all over again BLAH)
Ha Ha! Tyler told Kaylee "hey look there goes your cousin to his kids" she's like "really?" I start laughing soooo hard. She ask's me "really mom?" I explain to her that
Pocahontas is Indian and she was dressed like her so dad was kidding by telling her that. Then she asked to take a picture with the statue. The things dad says to there children
Kaylee and I staying at Disney late... we were able to get right up front for fireworks
(did you know they added Dumbo into the show?)

Getting close to see the princesses, This year we didn't have to wait 3 hours in line just to see them... only 25 minutes. That made this pregnant mom really happy

At Cheese cake factory for Kloee's 5th birthday

Totally devoured it... it was super yummy according to Emma (baby in mom's belly) too!
Family together celebrating Kloee's birthday

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


DAY 1 of Disneyland



Making Kaylee into a mermaid

Kloee's turn to be a mermaid (it come's in 3's if 1 does something they all want to do it)
Sun bathing cutie pie

This is the only picture of the 2 of us together from our 6 day trip

I wanted to do this on our honeymoon but we weren't able to go to the beach in FL

The little cheerleaders cheering for Kaylee who was getting sea shells as fast as she could
before another wave came

The girl's with mommy (mommy hiding her belly)
The family at the beach, Ty would kill me if he knew I posted this pic of him without a shirt
(good thing he doesn't see this stuff)