Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas 2013 part 2

My last post was just our Christmas pictures but this is our Christmas story...

Some how (good blessings) Ty ended up getting 5 day off during the week of Christmas. Monday-Friday, so Sunday after work we drove to Casa Grande (my bio dad's side) which was 3 1/2 hours drive and enjoyed a FEAST of food, I was able to see my aunt whom has lived in Germany for 8 years or so, and another aunt I have only seen once in 10 years.

That night we drove another hour and a half to Tyler's dad house where there were no heater! OMGosh we were shivering... Ty ended up getting a gas propane heater for the next night but it was still cold. 

Christmas eve we went to his sister for dinner and the siblings did a gift exchange (why the spouses aren't included is dumb to me). Tyler didn't receive a gift because his brother who was supposed to buy for him had been in and out of drug rehab the last 3 months (we don't care about the gift and we understood he couldn't buy anything). His uncle however did give us $60.00 (same as all the siblings). So then we went to the temple for lights. they have a beautiful new statue that was breath taking. Afterward we ended up going to his dads to get the kids in bed and get "ready" for Santa. 

While we were putting together Emma's little car and stuffing stockings his brother asks us what we do with the money we get from their uncle and birthday's... stuff like that. I told him we put it away and let them spend it when we go on trips to theme parks or just save it for them (remember this).

Christmas day we woke up around 8 (that's our rule for the kids on Christmas and weekends). The kids opened gifts and played for a little bit while I packed up everything and Ty loaded the car. We then headed to my parents house in Phoenix since I was in charge of dinner but not before grabbing some Jack in the Box for lunch where when I went to get my $20 I had in my wallet from returning a gift was gone... wait! So was the $60 from his uncle! Are you kidding me??? 

I just leave it at that!

oh wait... Everything at my moms was great! Amazing little get together, dinner, and good night sleep!

Christmas 2013

1st things 1st... Happy Birthday Jesus!

This year we're living in California during the holidays and have no family near. Sooooooooo I packed up the kids and I got to Phoenix where we stayed with Ty's dad (that's another story). We are so blessed to be able to spend the holidays with loved ones.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

30... 30... 30...

I can't believe I'm 30!  For my 30th I had an amazing party thrown for me... 80's style!

I hope my friends (whom have been 30) stop calling me a baby lol
love you ladies!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I want it back

I wake up empty today as I have lost a child. A child in which I wanted and loved with all my heart.

"I will never get to meet you, or see u on a scan,
I will never stroke your little cheek or kiss your little feet"

I miss being pregnant, I want to feel a child moving in my belly, I know I will see my baby one day but one day feels like too long. 

I love that my family is eternal and I love that my baby is being taken care of by loved ones
I still wish this didn't have to happen, I wish I didn't feel pain of heartache

(9 weeks)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kloee's 7th birthday

Kloee's 7th birthday was a hit but she's more excited to be a year closer to owning her own scriptures.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

3 years on the 4th

3 years and counting Ty and I have been together as of July 4th! 

We went to west gate and watched the fire works over the Cardinal's stadium.
It was perfect, because we were able to park semi close, didn't have to hear the loud bangs, and we drove out when it was over quickly and without traffic.


I love our family

all the kids

far away but quiet and cry free... just the way I like it

Monday, May 27, 2013

1st dip

Our 1st dip in our new pool, in our new house, in our new city, and our new state!

 the kids are loving it here

I was a lobster after but turned into a great tan

Monday, April 15, 2013


Let me start by saying Tyler got a promotion! YAY!!! 
He has the GM title and we're MOVING to California. 

Now let me say how happy I am for this opportunity and my husbands accomplishments but how unhappy I am about his hours, the area we'll be living (expensive) and the house we found... yes house! Only 1 in this tiny city California calls Blythe and I seriously doubt we'll get it cause it's the only 1!

I did go over there this last weekend and visited the church we'll be attending... seriously AWESOME ladies I have already begun to get to know. There's 1 specifically helping me find housing and has been texting me pictures of trailers we could possibly stay untill something bigger/better comes available. Again I have to say how much I love my church! I really love so much about it and know Ill find more to love.

I'm super duper stressed right now though because I have to finish teaching preschool through May 7th and the girls finish school May 22nd so I have to work, homework/school routine  pack my whole house (2,500 sq feet), clean my whole house, try to paint certain crayon art walls, and fix our sprinklers! I know there's more but just thinking of those things is freaking me out!

We already found a renter for our house and he's moving in June 1st (a week after were moving to Blythe) and I don't know if I can have everything ready or done by then!

I did get a call while writing this that there is a 3 bedroom for under 1000 for rent and we can start moving in May 1st... I'm hoping this will be right for us. please pray for our family to have the strength to be pleasant to each other and to come out ahead!

Monday, April 8, 2013

great to be Mormon

These are my great grandparents! I never knew they were members of the same church as me till a month after I was baptized! My grandfather, there son pasted away in 1972 and he started the genealogy for our family... I'm trying to do work in the temple he left. I feel like things fell into place for me to be able to do this for my family. 

I just wish I could have been baptized sooner and dated my husband when we were still in HS but all things happen for a reason and I guess 3 kids and a divorce later we we're supposed to be.


This is Jade our pup who got really sick while at a family members house for a couple months.

She got bit by a tick and it gave her tick fever which never got treated... this ended up giving her an infection and nobody knew to get her treatment. With her immune system being compromised she ended up getting a disease called MMM (masticatory muscle myositis).Her mussels slow deteriorated and she couldn't eat or hardly move because the pain she was in. Sadly we decided to put her down and I don't think I'll ever get over this heartache or the thought of what if I could have done more or if I could have done something differently. My poor husband had her since she was a tiny little thing so I could only imagine what he was going through. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

happy to be me

I haven't posted in a very long time... That being said I'm going to try and get some posts up of what's been going on this past year in the Cook's lives. 

Here is today

Happy me! 
I honestly am the happiest I have EVER been in my life! 
 I feel like I have the best most amazing husband and children ever!